Publisher: The Total LIFE Diet Centre
ISBN: 978 0 9870502 0 5
Number of pages: 464
RRP A$35.00 (Special Price $A29.95)
The Total LIFE Diet is not a high carbohydrate diet. Nor is it a low carbohydrate diet. It is a moderate carbohydrate, higher protein, low-moderate fat diet, which is perfectly balanced to meet all your health and nutritional needs.
The beauty of this diet is the secret formula for carbohydrates that allows you to enjoy bread, pasta, pizza and even chocolate cake and still lose weight! And if you have diabetes, you will have optimum blood glucose control.
Here is a diet like no other. It combines the science of nutrition with the art of nutrition to give you a total program for life. It is all about healthy and tasty food that will keep you full and satisfied – and with a sprinkling of some omega-3 magic – this could be the perfect diet!
Yes – with this way of eating and living, you can boost your energy and vitality, combat inflammation, help prevent cancer, sharpen your mind, lower your blood cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce insulin resistance, help prevent diabetes and heart disease, lose weight and feel good!
The entire Total Life Diet program has been published in The Total LIFE Diet book and includes the following:
Available from The Total LIFE Diet Centre
special price $29.95 AUD
special price $24.95 AUD per book
valued at $98.95 $52.00 AUD + post
If you live in Sydney, you are most welcome to visit The Total LIFE Diet Centre in Concord and pick up the book/s. Telephone 0484 236 624.
For large orders of 10 or more copies, telephone 0484 236 624 or email
special price $19.99 AUD
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Australia
ISBN: 0-07-471086-9
Number of pages: 208
special price $12.00 AUD
If you live in Sydney, you are most welcome to visit The Total LIFE Diet Centre in Concord and pick up the book/s.
Telephone 0484 236 624.
For large orders of 10 or more copies, telephone 0484 236 624 or email