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Ultimate Weekend Program

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Ultimate Weekend Program



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Ultimate Weekend Programs

The Ultimate Health & Weight Loss Program that is good for your Heart, Brain, Eyes, Bones, Gut, Diabetes and Total Health

If you are a very busy Sydney sider, live in the country, interstate or even overseas, the weekend seminar may be ideal for you. You can spend a weekend in beautiful Sydney – and become healthier and happier at the same time! The program will be conducted at a location (to be advised) in the inner west of Sydney, which is easily accessible to everyone.

This is a PREMIUM SERVICE that covers everything that you need to know about lasting weight loss and lifelong health. This is similar to the 6-part group program. However, unlike the regular group program that is conducted over 6 weeks or 12 weeks, the entire program is covered over one weekend. In addition, this premium program will include some additional services.

How the program will be conducted:

  • The program is informal, interactive and very practical – and will empower you to live a long, lean, healthy and happy life.
  • As with individual consultations, you will be provided with all the advice, education, motivation, inspiration and FREE resources that you need.
  • While sessions will be customised to suit participants, all major topics will be covered. Some examples of the topics are: portion control; how to combat inflammation and insulin resistance; how to lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure; what to eat when out and about; how to read labels on packaged foods, meal planning and getting the right mind set.
  • It will be run on Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 am 4.00 pm. If you wish to, you can organise your own group of 2 or more people and the program can also be run on two other days of your choice, e.g. Monday and Tuesday.
  • After the weekend, fortnightly contact will be maintained by email for 6 months to give you continued support and answer all your questions.
  • Numbers will be kept small (2–7 people) to enable individualised care and attention while benefiting from the camaraderie of a small group.


Total Fees for the weekend:

A$990 per person

Lunch and afternoon tea will be provided on both days.

You will also receive FREE copies of all three books* including The Total Life Diet book. The entire Total Life Diet program has been published in this book and includes 8 chapters, 9 appendices, 80 FABULOUS MEAL PLANS and over 170 QUICK & EASY, NUTRITIOUS & DELICIOUS RECIPES FROM AROUND THE WORLD.

*Hard copies of The Omega-3 Diet Revolution will only be available while stocks last.

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